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So who is Matthew Tomsho and why is he a crypto-effectologist?

A long time ago I started out as a computer programmer. Then my employers discovered I had the ability to communicate via both the written and spoken word, and my role changed to supervision and management, and it pretty much stayed that way for the next 30 years.

I realized two things very, very quickly:
1. When systems are in place things go much more smoothly.
2. It takes good teams to execute those systems.

Over those 30 years I was trained, mentored, and just plain figured out how to design systems (both computer and manual) to get just about anything done, and how to build, motivate, and retain the teams needed to run those systems.

One intriguing thing I discovered was that almost anyone (if they are truly willing) can contribute to the success of an oganization or group if they are utilized correctly. Making that happen is relatively simple (though often not easy); find your people's strengths and either put them where they can utilize them on a consistent basis, or tailor the job to those strengths.

One other idea developed during the countless hours spent managing people and projects over those thirty years.The difference between productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. You can produce a whole lot of the wrong thing very efficiently, but, it is still the wrong thing. Effectiveness is when someone is doing the right things the right way for them. Unfortunately effectiveness can get buried under useless rules and policies or old ways of doing things that just don't fit anymore.

From the process and research to find the most effective ways to get things done, crypto-effecology - uncovering hidden effectiveness, was born.


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